Due to limitations in our current billing system, we are unable to do the following:
Change renewal billing date
- Subscriptions automatically renew on the same date annually/same day of the month the subscription was purchased. If payment is unable to process on date of renewal, access will be downgraded as multiple renewal attempts will continue for 30 days until payment is received and access reinstated.
- If payment is not received within 30 days, subscription will be cancelled.
Process renewal payments early
- We are unable to process payments prior to renewal date as any changes to subscriptions will take place immediately, which would forfeit remaining time on billed period.
Retroactively edit purchase or renewal invoices that have already processed
- Any information added to invoices will appear on the following renewal invoice.
Price adjustments on active subscriptions
Promotional discounts apply to new subscribers only.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and hope to have these functions implemented in the future.