Cybrary hosts labs from three sources: labs built on our own Cybrary environment, labs provided by Skillable, and labs provided by Infosec Learning. This variety of sources means learners will encounter several different lab environments.
Some of these environments include instructions within the lab environment (e.g. Skillable, some InfoSec titles), others do not. Whenever instructions are not included in the lab itself, please look for them in the lesson text that hosts or links to the lab.
More details below:
Infosec Learning: Infosec’s virtual labs will launch in an independent tab or window. For labs available independent of a Cybrary course, the instructions are included in the lab environment.
For labs embedded in a Cybrary course, instructions are found in the original module of the Cybrary course.
Cybrary Labs: Cybrary virtual labs and Assessments are embedded in the course learning environment. This means Cybrary labs launch directly beside the instructions. The lab will launch in the right panel of the module, and the instructions will be found on the left panel of the module.
Skillable: Skillable virtual labs launch in an independent tab or window. Instructions are found on the right-side panel within the lab environment.